Our Brands
Our brands are rich in diversity and heritage - each with a commitment to uplifting the human condition and quality of life. Whether development needs are professional, intellectual, spiritual, moral or social, we have proven solutions to empower anyone to grow beyond boundaries.

Human Development
It's been the goal of our leadership team and part of our core focus over careers spanning decades. There is still a long way to go, but together, we can realize real growth, in real-time, for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
The brands you trust, now stronger than ever before
As part of IHDINA, you can access a richer mix of services - publications, events, training courses, consultancy support and merchandise - across diverse interests, all in real time. Click on the brands to discover more.
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MAI Institute
Building on the efforts of Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed - to live the best life. For both worlds.
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Majlis ul Ulamaa
Positions by leading Islamic scholars on issues affecting Islam & Muslims of Trinidad & Tobago
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The Ihdina Advantage
You gain the world of benefits online & at your fingertips, with the Ihdina Advantage.
Leadership Team
Explore the profiles of the team and learn why Ihdina is the best partner in your journey.
Access our thinking and templates to help you enhance your learning - on issues that matter to you.