Markaz al Ihsaan - The MAI Institute
Every Muslim is responsible for learning Islam...
...not only to live a good life in this world, but also to account for their deeds to Almighty Allah on the Day of Judgement.

We are here to help.
The MAI Institute strives to ensure you have full access to Islamic resources to help you live the best life, for this world... & the next.
Our Mission:
We are dedicated to the development and edification of Islamic learning - building on the fundamental pillars of faith to exploring in-depth and higher learning on contemporary and emerging issues.
Transformation Today
The MAI Institute strives towards an educated community by building competent individuals, and offers programs help cultivate a better life based on the Qur’anic guidance and on the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pboh).
Courses of study incorporate, and build on, mainstream Islamic subjects of scholarship. These include pioneering works in subjects considering Islamic perspectives on contemporary issues, such as individual and community identity, psychology, sociology, comparative religion and groups within Muslim society.
Now, fully online and a dedicated division of Ihdina, the MAI Institute is poised to serve communities and willing individuals throughout the world, to be more and do more - for this life and the next, within an Islamic paradigm of success.
A Legacy of Leadership
From its inception to date, the MAI Institute represents a new phase and the culmination of efforts of Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed – Islamic scholar, author and missionary – who has been active in the local and global Muslim community for over 4 decades.
Growing out of a core Islamic Worker Training programme, the Markaz al Ihsaan began as part-time religious classes on the weekends, to expanding its class times and locations.
The MAI Institute boasts over one thousand graduates, who come from diverse professional and social backgrounds, many of whom have corresponding post-secondary and graduate certifications. Over its tenure, numerous graduates have gone on to assume leading roles in Jamaats, national Islamic organisations, and representing Islam in their private and public sector capacities.
History of the MAI
Return to T&T
Maulana Dr. Waffie returns to T&T from Aleemiyah Institute, on graduating with his PhD under Dr. Fazlu Ansari.
Mayaro Program
Dr. Waffie begins the Islamic Workers Training Program for community activists & dawah workers.
MAI Formed
MAI was founded by Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, Haji Imtiaz Edoo and Imam Shuffy Mohammed.
Classes @ Edoo's
Classes in Islamic studies began at Edoos, San Fernando. Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma offered.
Points of Presence
MAI moved to its campus at Hermitage Village with satellite locations in Cumuto & Anna Katerina, Guyana.
Fully Online
In response to Covid-19 Quarantine, MAI moved fully online, eventually vacating its Hermitage campus and repositioning its courses and services.

Total Islam
The MAI Institute is a family that supports and celebrate each other in the quest to learn and incorporate Islam in their daily lives.
We have been active in providing education options, public events, media programming and extra-curricular activities - all to promote holistic Islamic environments and represent Islam effectively.

Islamic Training & Scholarship
Free Self-Study and Live Online Classes
View MAI Publications
(Mostly) FREE books, training programs and content to help you live the best life. For both worlds.
MAI Muslim Matters Magazine
Access articles, perspectives and reminders to help you stay committed & on track.
Paradise Ave. Podcast
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Your donations keep us going.
Your contributions go a long way to support our community efforts across training, events, publications programs across training sponsorships, publications and digital media.