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Eid in Quarantine

MajlisTT has been asked to comment on the variance of the positions of the Ulamaa locally regarding the matter of performance of Eid Salah under lockdown conditions during the Novel Coronavirus restrictions imposed. 

Specifically, it has been observed that the guidance offered ranges from 

  1. praying Eid Salah in small groups at the masajid, and Nafl at home, to 
  2. pray Eid Salah at home, to 
  3. perform the Eid salaah at home without the khutbah, to 
  4. stay at home – you cannot perform Eid salaah so read to nafl salaah. 

Along with this is the request to give the position of MajlisTT on Eid Salaah, as was done with the Jumu’ah Salaah (MajlisTT Paper 15: Covid-19 and the Muslim Community of Trinidad and Tobago).

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