Ready to Launch “The knowledge from the tutorship and the experience from the assignments have created the platform to launch in to technology entrepreneurship, providing innovations and solutions towards the improve... PDMAcademy Training
Fresh Outlook “This course has provided a fresh outlook and has developed my skills and has added value to my posture as a professional and for that I am thankful.” Network Technician Advertising Agency... PDMAcademy Training
Necessary Skill “I really enjoyed this course. Regrets that more leaders were not present as this skill is NECESSARY for upliftment for the community. Please run this course again and let me be informed…. I have many...
Positive Cash Flow “ After applying the techniques taught, I experienced almost immediate, positive changes in my cash flows” Requested Anonymous Business Owner... Consulting
Value for Money “From creating more “value for money” solutions to strategically & critically assessing developments in technology, this knowledge had quite a significant impact on my future.” Digital Consultant... Consulting
On Par & Above “In terms of knowledge and skill, you are on par and above in some cases in respect to competitors.” Executive Director NGO – Caribbean Region... Consulting
Increased Clientele “Within a few months, I was able to increase the services that I offered, and, in doing so, my clientele has increased. Mr. Mohammed has now become a trusted advisor…” Business Owner Medical Lab... Consulting
Fun & Interactive “This was definitely a fun and interactive course.” IT Manager Local Conglomerate... PDMAcademy Training
A Wealth of Knowledge The Facilitator had a wealth of knowledge that he was able to apply “across the board”, with a practical and logical approach” Process Plant Engineer & Business Start-up Entrepreneur... PDMAcademy Training
Enthusiasm & Wit “ My business was being run by sheer enthusiasm and wit… Now I have added precise knowledge & learned business skill & strategy to that. The course helped me to dissect and focus on the different area... Consulting Training
Worth Every Hour “Your course was worth every hour that I spent… There is just so much one can learn from your course, planning, building communities in a structured manner…” Donna Business Owner & NGO Director... MAI Institute PDMAcademy Training